Tulsa Moving Blog - Tips, Tricks, and Insider Info
June 19, 2024

How to Stay Organized During Your Move to Tulsa

moving to a new homeBy Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group 

The move from your old residence to your new one may be time-consuming, complicated, and demanding. This is especially true for those who have trouble keeping organized throughout the moving process. When your life is in disarray, it may be easy to let things to "slip through the cracks," and find yourself feeling more anxious than you ought to be.

Lots of people have found that hiring a professional moving company in Tulsa has made it easier for them to stay organized during a move making their relocation less complicated to manage. But that's not all you can do to keep organized on your move. Here are a few more strategies which will help.

Set Your Dates

From the initial day you start packing your belongings to the final moment you say good-bye to the old place, it's important to have the crucial dates in the relocation process established as fast as possible. You might need approximately six weeks or maybe more to plan out your move, pack your belongings, line up transportation, as well as coordinate storage (if necessary).

Many people have found it helpful to make a "master schedule" of the move - and leave themselves a little cushion just in case they come across a problem. Your schedule needs to include a timeline of key milestones during the entire move, due dates, and possibly a listing of jobs to allocate to family members.

Make To-Do Lists

A detailed to-do list is a powerful thing. Not merely will day-to-day and weekly to-do lists keep your move on track, but additionally may be fantastic stress management tools. Actually, a lot of people realize a to-do list has a soothing influence on them.

Some think it's useful to generate smaller to-do lists as opposed to one large one for the complete move. Such as, one of your weekly tasks could be to pack your bedroom, and then you can split that task into smaller daily tasks (pack jewelry, pack office/printer supplies, pack clothes, and so forth.).

Designate Work to Various Family Members

Moving should be a family undertaking. Be certain that each family member understands what they will need to complete to make your relocation a success. For example, extenuating circumstances notwithstanding, each person in the home ought to be able to pack a lot of the things in his or her own bedroom. You may also decide to allocate cleaning duties once the packing has been done.

When everyone's on the same page, your move should go much more efficiently.

Stick to Your Due dates

The very last thing you need when moving is attempting to frantically pack and load each valuable you have got with only a few hours left to spare. The way to prevent this kind of unorganized chaos is to stay with every due date you set for yourself to the extent attainable.

As an illustration, determine due dates to complete the packing of each of your rooms. Set a due date to book the professional moving company in Tulsa to arrive and load your stuff, or to rent a moving truck. You will also want to determine deadlines for essential actions before and after your move, like discontinuing your electric and the internet service at the old property in addition to setting them up at your new residence.

Sticking with the smaller due dates on the way will certainly lessen a lot of the worry associated with moving and help keep everything organized.

Treat Yourself!

Last but not least, be sure to get a reward or perhaps two as you make progress toward your ultimate goal. Maybe you can treat your family to an evening out after checking off a significant item on the to-do list, or merely take an occasional day off from moving preparation. Whatever the situation might be, rewarding yourself once in a while can keep you enthusiastic and focused.

If you ever feel inundated throughout the moving process, and wish for outside assistance keeping organized, don't hesitate to reach out to the A-1 Freeman Moving Group team of professional movers in Tulsa today! We can help pick up the slack and make your move less stressful all round.


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